Best in Flexo 2017: Sacchettificio achieves the second position

One of the greatest national event in order to show the improvements in reaching the highest quality on flexographic printing.

The top ranked Italian flexographic printers on paper and plastic was present.

A hard competition was set considering the quality and the level of the presented works, but for this the competition was interesting and meaningful.

A top quality jury and a worthy location for the event .

Sacchettificio Nazionale Corazza spa has been nominated once again for the best printing on plastic medium band film and it was awarded with the absolute second place.

We are proud of our printing division and we will work harder in order to get the first prize next year.

Sacchettificio Nazionale Corazza spa is confirmed again as one of the best European flexographic printer.





© 2024 Sacchettificio Nazionale G. Corazza s.p.a.

Codice fiscale 00210180287 - Partita iva IT00210180287 - Ufficio del Registro delle Imprese di Padova Numero REA: PD-59679 - Capitale sociale interamente versato euro 5.000.000,00